Maldon Court Preparatory School will not discriminate on admissions. It promotes the principle and practice of equal opportunities for all pupils regardless of religion, ethnic and social background, and disability.
Children are valued for their own intrinsic worth and encouraged to achieve their own individual potential.
The school aims:
To foster a love of learning in which the varied talents and life experiences of each child are recognised and valued.
To provide a stimulating curriculum through which the children can flourish and become enthusiastic and independent learners, encouraging them to reach their full potential.
To promote the traditional values of kindness, respect and courtesy.
To create confident and happy children who are well prepared for their next step in education. This includes: 11+, scholarships and entrance to schools with specialist status.
To actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; both in the local and wider community.
Nursery (Pre-Prep1 and Pre-Prep 2) Admissions Criteria
Nursery 1 and 2 are the first stepping stones to an education at Maldon Court Preparatory School. It is a private nursery for children aged 1-3 years old. The admission criteria are as follows:
Children on the waiting list who have siblings already attending Maldon Court Preparatory School.
Children on the waiting list who have no siblings in the school.
NB. All children will need to successfully complete an induction visit to the school.
Once the Registration Forms have been received and Registration Fee paid, the child’s name will be placed on the waiting list. Before their 1st Birthday they will be asked to attend an Induction visit with their family. On completion of a successful visit a place will be offered. To secure this place, an Acceptance Fee is paid and the school’s Terms and Conditions Document will need to be signed and dated.
Pre-reception Admissions
The criteria for Pre-Reception are as follows:
Children who have successfully completed Nursery 1 and 2.
Children who have successfully completed Nursery 2.
Children on the waiting list who have not attended Nursery 1 or 2 and have a sibling at the school.
Children from the waiting list who successfully complete an induction visit.
Children not on the waiting list who successfully complete an interview and induction visit after parents interview with the Headteacher.
Once the Registration Forms have been received and Registration Fee paid, the child’s name will be placed on the waiting list.
Parents of children on the waiting list will be contacted during the half term prior to their child’s 3rd birthday, when they will be invited to attend an assessment day.
If the child is born between:
1st April and 31st August, he/she is eligible to start the Pre-Reception in the September following their third birthday.
1st September and 31st December he/she is eligible to start the Pre-Reception in the January following their third birthday.
1st January and 31st March he/she is eligible to start the Pre-Reception in the April following their third birthday.
The flexibility within the school has the following restrictions in place:
A minimum of three days for 36 weeks of the year.
No session can be of less than two and a half hours.
A maximum of eight hours in any one day in line with school opening times.
Children will be invited to Pre-Reception for a morning induction visit. Following a successful induction the child will be offered a place. On completion of a successful visit (for children new to the school), a place will be offered. To secure this place an Acceptance Fee is paid and the school’s Terms and Conditions Document will need to be signed and dated.
Pupil numbers will be strictly regulated so that the maximum legally permitted will not be exceeded. Twenty is the legal number for Maldon Court Pre-Prep.
Prior to a child’s attendance at the Nursery or Pre-Reception, the parents or carers must complete and sign the contract or registration form. This provides the Nursery/Pre-Reception with the following vital information:
Name, home address and date of birth of each child.
Starting date and number of sessions per week required.
Arrangements for payments of fees.
Name, address and telephone numbers of parents and carers.
Emergency telephone numbers.
Special diets.
Arrangements for collection.
Name, address and telephone number of the child’s doctor.
Illness and inoculation details.
Details of any allergies.
Immunisation history
Welfare requirements
Please see whole school policies.
Preparatory School Admissions: From Reception to Form 6
Our admission criteria is as follows:
Children who have successfully completed our Pre-Reception and adhered to the terms and conditions have first priority in the main Preparatory School.
Siblings: there is no automatic entry until completion of an Assessment Day.
Children from the waiting list who have not attended the Pre Reception but have completed a successful Assessment Day.
The Assessment Day will be as follows:
Day in class with assessments in English and Mathematics.
Informal Interview with the Head or Deputy Headteacher.
Feedback to Headteacher re: assessments from Class Teacher, Head of English and Head of Mathematics.
Interview with parents.
If the school can meet the child’s educational needs then a place may be offered.
The admission of children with special educational needs will be at the discretion of the Headteacher in conference with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and will take into consideration the needs of the child and whether the school will be fully able to provide for the child’s needs. Any admission therefore must include all relevant information, partnership with any outside agencies already involved and full medical disclosure where appropriate.
The school’s policy is to apply these criteria to all pupils and potential pupils regardless of any disability of which it is aware, subject to its obligation to make reasonable adjustments not to put any disabled pupil or potential pupil at a substantial disadvantage compared to any pupil who is not disadvantaged because of their disability.
If a pupil is admitted from a maintained school after the school’s first year and before the final year, then the local authority will be contacted. The school secretary will contact Essex County Council with this information.
All our documents are written in accordance with the curricular guidance.