The school values are designed to set out the ways in which we seek to encourage positive attitudes whilst the children are at school and when they are on trips, outings and off-site visits.
Children develop a love of learning and come to appreciate the value of their talents and life experiences.
Children flourish and become enthusiastic and independent learners reaching their full potential through a stimulating, broad curriculum and rich variety of experiences beyond the curriculum.
Children embrace the traditional values of Kindness, Respect and Courtesy, becoming responsible, independent caring individuals.
Children are confident happy individuals who are well prepared for their next step in education. This includes: 11+, scholarships and entrance to schools with Specialist Status.
Children develop the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs: both in the local and wider community.
Our vision statement
Maldon Court Preparatory School is a small family school where the staff and children work together within a happy and nurturing atmosphere of mutual respect. The full potential of each individual child is achieved through the delivery of a broad and stimulating curriculum. The children leave the school confident and eager to face the challenges ahead.
““An all encompassing school, welcoming everyone, making you feel part of the special Maldon School ‘family’.””