English is a core subject that is taught by the form teacher in small classes. We aim to provide a high quality education in English to teach pupils to speak, read and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others.
Our overarching aim is to promote high standards of language and literacy by ensuring pupils have a strong command of the spoken and written word, and a love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. They will also learn the art of careful listening, which is an essential skill in all aspects of school life.
As they progress through the school, great emphasis is placed on spelling, writing, comprehension and creativity. Progress is carefully monitored to ensure that pupils are receiving the appropriate support. We use a wide range of texts to stimulate and maintain interest and the school boasts a well-stocked library.
““The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.””
All pupils are given opportunities to learn through real experiences and practical tasks. Learning is further enhanced by activities such as plays, World Book Day, poetry competitions and English Speaking Examinations. We believe that there will be something for everyone to enjoy, whatever their ability.
Mathematics is a core subject that is taught by the class teacher. At Maldon Court we use a variety of teaching styles - working as a class, as a group, in pairs and independently, on tasks that are appropriate for an individual’s ability. Throughout the year groups, we link mathematics with other areas of the curriculum, particularly science, geography and ICT. We believe that this helps pupils to recognise the connections between classroom activities and real life situations.
Pupils move seamlessly from using stories and games in the early years to more complex activities (including making predictions and analysing results in Year 6) to foster their understanding of the four mathematical operations. Problem solving and reasoning are encouraged at all stages of their learning. So too is the use of computing to support and enhance learning.
The idea of teamwork is encouraged by special events such as shopping trips and maths' mornings where pupils work in teams using their mathematical skills to solve problems. We believe that these concrete experiences will help form the basis for applying various mathematical principles to effective problem solving.
““The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.””
At Maldon Court, our children are introduced to homework from entry to the school in Pre-Prep. From the very beginning they are given books to take home and share with parents. As they progress they are given word wallets to consolidate at home work done in school.
The parents of our reception children will be invited to a meeting early in the autumn term, in order to discuss the different ways of helping their child to read. The children will be asked to learn spellings from Year 1 onwards and multiplication tables from Year 2.
When the children reach Key Stage 2, a clear and specific homework timetable is adhered to. English, mathematics, spelling, verbal reasoning and topics related to humanities subjects are given on a weekly basis.
A realistic attitude is adopted to homework, which is used to reinforce work done at school. Early years children can expect to have fifteen minutes per night. This increases gradually until Year 6 when children will be expected to work for up to 40 minutes.
Alternatively, children have the opportunity to attend after school care to complete their homework under the supervision of a fully qualified teacher.