At Maldon Court, we aim to help our pupils develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to keep them healthy and safe – and to deal with the challenges they will face in everyday life.
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE)
In our lessons, we give our pupils the opportunity to discuss issues that are important to them in an atmosphere of trust and support. We also look at developing skills and attributes such as resilience, risk management and teamwork. These elements will be learned in the context of health and wellbeing, relationships with others and living in the wider world.
Our framework promotes social and emotional literacy, supporting children to develop: social awareness, managing their feelings, self-esteem, empathy and social interactions.
School Council
We have a School Council – a forum for pupils to have their voices heard and where they can discuss areas that they consider to be important in assisting with school improvement. This committee is headed up by the older pupils, with an acting Chairman and Secretary. The remainder of the committee being made up of pupils from different year groups, who are elected by their peers. The committee is empowered to bring ideas to the school’s management team, on subjects ranging from wellbeing to resources. Also, recent fundraising by the council has seen the purchase of ‘house badges’ for every child in the school.
Eco-Schools Programme
Healthy eating and the environment are important topics at our school and we embrace the Eco-Schools Programme.
“Eco-Schools is an international award programme that guides schools on their sustainable journey, providing a simple framework to help make sustainability an integral part of school life. Eco-Schools can help enhance the curriculum and get the whole school united behind something important.”
Our vision is that the environmental and healthy eating topics covered will help to bring about behaviour change in young people and those connected to them, so that good habits learned in school are followed through into homes and communities.
““You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.””