Science Day

On Monday the school celebrated British Science Week with whole school science day. We invited the Science Boffins in to teach and inspire the children with exciting reactions, explosions, fizzes, pops and whizzes! The day started with a whole school assembly. The children found it fascinating to watch how different shaped balloons behave, how air travelling over an object (a roll of toilet tissue in this instance) affects that object, how to make “elephant’s tooth paste” and watching our ‘Boffin’ David make dragons breath. After the assembly each class had an individual science lesson with David. Reception to Form 4 learnt about solids, liquids and gases and used Dry Ice to make ice cream. The Form 5 and 6 children learnt about polymers and how atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. In their lesson they made slime. All in all the day was a resounding success and every child had fun learning some new science. Thank you to Mrs Bonner for organising such a fantastic educational event.