Essex Air Ambulance Visit

On Wednesday 1st February, twelve children had the wonderful opportunity to visit the Essex Air Ambulance base at Earls Colne. This was an incredible day where the children had a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet the doctors, pilots and all of the Essex Air Ambulance support team. The children had the chance to meet Dr Fenton who was busily showing them all of the kit inside the ambulance car when an emergency phone call came through! The doctors had to rush to the emergency in their car (cloud cover was too low for the helicopter to take off). This gave the children an opportune time to speak to the pilots of the air ambulance and they asked many interesting and valid questions.  They were also allowed in to the helicopter! This was an enthralling day for everyone involved and I would like to say a special thank you to Dr Fenton (Jamie and Florence’s dad) for his help in facilitating such a memorable trip.