Form 5 Day 2

After an exhilarating afternoon on the water, the children enjoyed a hearty dinner of spaghetti Bolognese, garlic bread and pineapple upside down cake. We then ventured out for our night walk around Tollesbury. How this proved to be muddier and wetter than the kayaking we do not know! The children witnessed a beautiful sunset over the river and on our return we were treated to two of our former pupils (James and Henry) along with their dads coming to say hello to us as they passed on their kayaks!

This morning the children were very eager to start their day nice and early. We enjoyed a superb three course breakfast which has set them up for the day's activities. The children have participated in team games, the climbing wall and depending on the weather they will go sailing/power boating on the river is planned for later.

They are all having a wonderful time and embracing all of the experiences and opportunities being given to them.