Form 5 Day 3

We were very lucky with the weather yesterday and had perfect sailing conditions. The children enjoyed sailing for three hours in the afternoon and all learnt just how technical and hard work sailing a boat is. They worked really well as a team on their respective boats and came back exhausted but happy!

The children also had a great session of ‘Crystal Maze’ style team games which included 6 games that made them work together, communicate clearly and concisely and also encouraged them to listen to one another. The cabin inspection happen routinely and the children have been taking it very seriously, the competition and rivalry between them to score full marks has been brilliant! Which cabin will be the overall champions? Not long until the results are announced……..

Finally, yesterday finished with the climbing wall. The children were superb and proved themselves to be budding climbers.

After a day of non-stop activities, the children finished off their evening with a hot chocolate, cake and cabin time. Everyone has worked so well together and we are proud of all the new skills they have learnt.