Form 6 PGL Day 3 Part 2

The children’s first activity was raft building. All the children were a little nervous at first, however they soon found their feet as soon as the instructor showed them how to knot the ropes to connect the barrels and poles together. The children worked extremely hard together and built fantastic rafts that kept them dry.

The next activity was a coastal walk which consisted of various games and tours around the historic centre and grounds. The children found out when the manor was built and the materials used to build many of the surrounding structures.

The next activity was orienteering. First, the children learnt the cardinal points of a compass which helped them to navigate around a grid. Orienteering was very enjoyable and the children had great fun locating different points around the grounds.

The third activity was Challenge Course. This was an army assault course with climbing, crawling and swinging apparatus.The children were given different challenges to complete on the course to test their speed and agility.

After a wonderful dinner, Form 6 took part in a game of Cluedo with their group leader Jaih. The PGL staff dressed up as the suspects and the children had to locate them around the centre and ask them various questions to gain clues to solve the mystery. The children enjoyed this game and were very excited to find out who had kidnapped Stove the PGL mascot dragon.