Form 6 PGL Day 4

Day Four’s activities have proved to be the most challenging for the children to date. These activities tested the children’s determination, grit and courage. The day started with the giant swing. The name implies something gentle and relaxing however in reality it proved to be a morning of pulling ropes and hoisting the swing 25m into the air. The pair brave enough to swing then had to pull a lever and face an initial drop that took your breath away soon followed by a tummy dropping pull forwards and backwards. I am proud to say that all of the form sixes successfully took the plunge. The other morning activity was extremely physical and involved building a working buggy in a team. First the children gathered barrels for their wheels and logs for structure of the buggy. Four children had to then pull the buggy, two children had to Work as the brake and two children had to be passengers. After lunch the groups faced Jacob’s ladder. This activity really showed what makes the children at Maldon Court stand out. They were so supportive of each other and I loved hearing one of the children on the ladder call out “Keep shouting, it’s helping.” They carried on inspite of being afraid and managed to dig deep and find the strength to pull themselves up to the highest rung. Last but not least was archery and our instructor summed it up best with. . . “Your group is my favourite, you’re keen for anything and always enthusiastic and really care about each other.” The day culminated in an evening discos with the all of the instructors teaching them lots of different dance routines. The children are busy packing as I’m typing and are very excited for one more sleep until they can see their families again.